
What is buying off-plan?
To buy “off-plan” simply means to purchase an overseas property at the planning stage before it is actually built. Buying ‘off-plan’ is an exciting process that can give the buyer a say and voice in the features and the eventual outcome of the completed property. Wherever you buy, when you buy off-plan, you will be able to see detailed plot plans, discuss the development with experts and interact personally with the builders' representatives. A show home will usually be completely finished prior to the build for buyers to see the finished product and get an idea of what they are buying.
What are the benefits of buying off-plan?
Property sold off-plan is usually sold for a substantially lower price than the eventual purchase price of the completed property. This means that off-plan buyers could potentially be looking at quite a growth on their initial investment if they were to sell the home once completed. There is also the sense of anticipation that buying property off-plan brings.
The process generally takes between 12 and 18 months from off-plan purchase to completion. Most buyers agree that seeing your dream being realized and having the power to shape the outcome with your input is more than worth the wait! In this time you will have the opportunity to plan ahead, whether it's furnishing your new home, or finalizing all the planning for your move abroad.

For more information please contact:
Mrs. Tatiana Viktorovna Nazarova
Phone: +507-340-4444
Email: tatiana@swiss-hannover.com

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